1020 Artworks Offers a variety of homeschool specific art classes with short and long commitments.
Arch is a Roman Catholic homeschool co-op that offers classes, field trips, celebrations, social gatherings, and service opportunities for PK-12 on Wednesdays, from September- December and February-April.
Catholic Schoolhouse EVERYONE is invited. We incorporate prayer and catholic history into our timeline, but it is not required classwork. All courses are taught with the understanding that God created everything including what we study in school. Time commitment varies depending on age and how involved each family wants to be. This usually ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day dependent on the family, the age of their students, and how many of the memory statements and such they can or want to incorporate into their week. Parent Commitment is based on each parent. They are required to be present at co-op, but are not required to help lead a class. We do ask if they are willing to help. Currently looking for a better meeting space, and hoping for Monday or Tuesday mornings. Families are welcome to share lunch and play after classes. The cost to register is $95- $125.
is a group of homeschooling parents in the St. Louis region dedicated to providing flexible classes that meet the needs of diverse learners. We are open to members with all philosophies and approaches to homeschooling. We use secular teaching materials and course content so that our group is welcoming to members of any or no faith. Our aim is to foster acceptance and inclusion for all learners. Families invested in creating amazing learning opportunities, fun classes, and building a community of strong, independent learners are welcome to join!
A Christian, family-oriented homeschool group whose membership can be found in St. Clair County, Macoupin County, as well as Madison County. We meet every month to encourage, answer questions, and support all homeschoolers. Various activities are held for children throughout the year, although our emphasis is more on family activities. Contact: Renee Horvath Phone: (618) 973-6194 Email: [email protected]
Guiding Arrows Homeschool Co-op provides enrichment classes for homeschoolers and social opportunities for homeschooling families within a Christian setting.
Hearts of Scott is a group of homeschool families who gather on occasion for enrichment and/or social activities. They have a homeschool resource sale, activities, classes, and more. HEARTs is an inclusive group. By joining, you agree to be respectful of others in the group. HEARTs is member-led, which means all members are expected to participate in and/or help plan activities. The goal of HEARTs is to connect independent home educators and members of existing groups through a common virtual meeting place in order to encourage discussions and dialogue where members can share resources, learn together and build a sense of community. MOTTO: Live Humbly, Love Unconditionally, Serve Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly. HEARTs is located in the Metro-East and areas surrounding Scott AFB, Illinois.
Prior to being accepted as a member of the HEARTs facebook group, you will need to fill out a questionnaire. This is to protect our members from spammers and to keep our membership locally based. First, make a request for membership by clicking the button +Join Group. Second, go to this
and fill out all the sections. Please be sure to read through the HEARTs Mission Statement. Third, your membership is contingent upon your payment of the annual dues.
You have one month to complete the questionnaire and have your dues paid. After which, you will be removed and will have to start the process over again.
(Highland Homeschoolers)
is a group of homeschoolers in and around the area. We are not specifically connected to any religious affiliation, but we completely welcome you if you are! Here you can sell/buy/trade homeschooling materials, plan events with other homeschooling parents, make new friends, offer up feild trips, share information about education, ask questions of one another, and more! We ask that everyone show kindness above all else to one another - remember everyone homeschools differently, and we can all help one another without casting judgement. Happy homeschooling! Phone: (618) 979-0415. Email: [email protected]
Highland Hope
is a Christian-based homeschool group. Emphasis on support and loving interaction with children. Excellence in academics and training our children in the Lord through homeschooling. Contact: Karen Paubel Phone: (618) 654-5315 Email: [email protected]
H.O.M.E. meets the third Tuesday of the month for socialization, snacks, and parents time from 10-12. This group provides resources and encouragement for those living in Madison County, Illinois on how to Help Our Children to Master their Education. Connect with other H.O.M.E. Schooling families and support each other with local resources, curriculum, and activities that will help our children learn best.
This community is based on the premise that all who join will provide positive assistance and encouragement.
Leu Civic Center The Leu Civic Center has an Education Resource Center within the building! It will be a one-stop shop for all of your education needs. Here is what we will be providing:
- Consultations for challenging areas of study
- IEP support with a special education teacher
- Curriculum library
- Manipulatives for classroom or individual use
- Unit study options
- Homeschool day classes and clubs
Curriculum, manipulatives and games will be available for checkout by adult members of the Leu. Our homeschool classes and clubs are still being scheduled, but we should be able to offer P.E., cooking, watercolor painting, Lego league, sign language and Odyssey of the Mind. Family memberships cost $50 per year and individual memberships cost $35 per year. The Leu Civic Center offers classes for all ages. Registration and class times are announced on the Leu Civic Center Facebook Page.
Master's Lyceum a Christian homeschool enrichment day providing networking, fellowship and classroom opportunities for homeschooling families.
Off The Page Co-learning has meet up's, ideas of things to do, summer camps, maker space opportunities, digital downloads, unit studies, free play meet up's, nature exploring, group excursions & a kid's business fair and maybe one day an independent learning center! Kids need their own autonomy to pursue their passions to stay excited about their lives and this is the place to do it!
Open Minds meets weekly on Tuesdays for enrichment classes, parent support, PE, field trips, park days, and community service opportunities for homeschooling families. K -12th grade.
Open Minds Restoration Rec's mission is to provide a place for students to be more active in life, teach them to push themselves to reach their goals, train students not only through sports but the Word of God to work together for the name of Jesus Christ. This program reaches ages as young as out of diapers and running around to SR in high school. With the younger kiddos it is mainly keeping them active and moving with games and fun activities. As the get older and reach the oldest age group the program gets more organized and stretching. With military PT testing, we aim for them to compete against themselves to see progress. We also train through more organized sports to teach the student how to work with a team and learn the basics of a wide variety of sports. With biblical character traits and principles taught in each class, we keep our focus centered on modeling a generation focus on "pressing for the prize of the high calling of Jesus Christ."
Riverbend Homeschooling Coop meets weekly on Fridays from 10am-2pm for enrichment classes, parent support, PE, field trips, park days, and community service opportunities for homeschooling families. Pre K - 9th grade.
St. Clair County Christian Home Educators Our purpose is to support Christian parents who are, or will be teaching their children at home. We have monthly meetings providing opportunities for networking with other Christian parents, and we arrange speakers to uplift and provide vision for our group, and organize activities for the families who join SCCCHE. Meetings are usually held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Meetings include such things as curriculum sale, guest speakers, ice cream social, personal homeschool evaluation, geography night, family carnival, talent show, project night, and discussion. There are a number of additional opportunities: Co-op group; Music options include orchestra, 2 choirs, and private lessons, Drama classes and clubs, Monthly E-newsletter, Google Group and Facebook, P. E. options including track and field and ultimate frisbee, Participation in Legislative Days in Springfield, Annual yearbook, and Affiliation with other groups for robotics, Teenpact, OYAN, Summit Ministries, Trail Life Scouting, American Heritage Girls, English Country Dances, Bright Lights, Tapestry of Grace, Classical Conversations, Writing Club, etc. Contact: Josh Peterson or [email protected]. Phone: 618-806-5674 Email: [email protected]
a learning co-op with classes and field trips. Also offers park days, parties, a secular support group, and an information source for prospective homeschoolers.
STING (Secular. Togetherness. Inclusive. Nurturing. Genuine.) is a secular (non-religious) all inclusive homeschool group for teens (12-17) to get together, make friends and enjoy field trips and hang outs. We accept people of all beliefs and faiths with the understanding that we are respectful of each individual. Send Email
Team Orion Archery We are group of homeschool students that gather on Tuesdays for archery experience and instruction. The gathering is also a great social opportunity. This is considered a Physical Education program. We use the National Archery in the Schools Program. Tournaments are a tiny part of the opportunity but scholarships can be won if your students excels. Send Email
Meets on Tuesdays in Madison County. Aims to get kids exploring, connecting with, and loving nature while building community and friendship. Also hopes to share resources to better support each other. Feel free to stay afterward to do nature journaling together or identify treasures!
Meets on Fridays in Madison County. Created to get like minded, nature loving parents and children together to support each other and learn together. Parents chat while kids make friends and learn through play together. Runs year round.
Ideally, cadets participate in a 2-hour squadron meeting each week, plus one "Saturday" event monthly and one week-long encampment in summer, but of course, school and family obligations take priority
- Monthly Aerospace/STEM focused meeting with hands-on activities or STEM kits.
- Montly Physical Fitness meeting.
- Montly Emergency Services meeting where cadets pick an emergency services specialty area (ground team: search and rescue, communications, or mission aircrew).
- Monthly Character Development meeting using a full character development curriculum based on a specific virtue each month. An adult facilitates the class, older cadets lead small groups.
- We offer orientation flights monthly here in our Cessna 182 at no cost (each cadet is entitled to 5 powered flights and 5 glider flights, we're working on getting a glider in our local area and have 2 powered aircraft). We have scholarship opportunities for cadets to earn their private pilot certificate as well.
- We have a wide range of special activities geared toward multiple interest areas with varying costs. These are more expensive but in my experience are a great deal. https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/programs/cadets/activities/national-cadet-special-activities is the link to explore those.
Startup costs can vary depending on uniform availability. Dues for cadets are $35 a year, adults is $65 a year (first-time adults will be fingerprinted and background checked at no additional cost). From there it depends on what uniform items we have on hand. We try to outfit each cadet with an Airman Battle Uniform (the camouflage utility uniform) and they'll only need to buy nametags, footwear, and some other accessories.
We have access to Scott Airforce Base and can get some things there. Nametags for the ABU and the blues uniform can run about $20. Black combat boots can be found easily for around $30.
Special activities can run up to a couple hundred bucks but that's optional and includes a week of overnight activities, food, lodging, etc and we try to get them flying as well.
Cadets will be expected to attend weekly meetings and some Saturday events (flying, emergency services training, community service, etc). Cadets aren't required to attend everything, but most cadets want this level of involvement.
Non-meeting time investment involves preparing their uniform for meetings (learning to iron, shine, etc) and taking the leadership and aerospace tests they need to promote.
As cadets move into the officer ranks they start working on scheduling and conducting meetings under mentorship and supervision.
Adults are background checked, 2+ adults are present for all cadet activities, and no one-on-one contact between adults and kids. We also have anti-hazing education.
2nd Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Alhambra Township Center.
2nd Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Jarvis Township Maintenance Facility in Troy.
2nd Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Fosterburg Township Hall.
2nd Monday in Granite City at 6:30 p.m.
Meets on 4th Monday at 7pm at Madison County Fairgrounds in Highland.
2nd Monday of the month at 7pm at Grantfork Senior Center in Highland.
Meets the 2nd Monday at 7pm at Prairietown Fireman's Hall.
Meets the 3rd Monday at 6p.m. at St. Jacob United Church of Christ.
Meets the 4th Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Willoughby Farm, Collinsville.
includes Cloverbuds meets the 1st Tuesday of the month in Millstadt @ 10:30.
Meets 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the New Douglas Rec Plex.
Meets 1st Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Marine Township Senior Center.
Meets the 2nd Thursday at 7pm at Hamel Community Building.
Air rifle meets the 1st Saturday of the month @ 1:30 @ O’Fallon Sportsman Club. Archery meets the 1st Saturday of the month @ TBD @ O’Fallon Sportsman Club.
Meets the 2nd Sunday at 4pm at Pin Oak Senior Center in Edwardsville.
The Nature Institute has Homeschool field trips for pk-12th grade. Programs are in 1.5 hour blocks, Tuesday-Friday throughout the school year. There should be no more than a 4 year age gap for students. Groups should be no more than 15. Groups may choose to add a second program block in the afternoon at a discounted rate of $3 per student.
The Nature Institutehas Outdoor Adventure Kits free to use at the preserve and beyond. Each kit contains scavenger hunts, bug boxes, binoculars, field guides, a map of TNI, a compass, instructions for use, and upcycled nature notebooks. The kits are recommended for ages 5+ . Each kit consists of a String Backpack, list of kit contents, 3 Laminated Scavenger Hunts, 3 Dry Erase Markers, 2 Bug Boxes, a Pair of Binoculars, Pocket Field Guides (one or more), a Small Nature Notebook and pencil for you to keep, Map of TNI, and a Compass.
The Nature Institutehas programs for all ages: Nature Babies, Knee High Naturalists, Messy Play Day, Discovery Nature Club, Field Guides, Outdoor EDventure Days, and Kids Nights Out.
IMSA STEM Leagues are two-three month (or shorter in summer), mostly asynchronous online courses designed around a hot topic in STEM, which may include a book read, documentaries/TED Talks, and other source material. The approximate weekly time commitment is 2-4 hours for school year courses, 3-6 for summer. For more information or to register, navigate here.
Saturday STEM – Grades 3-8 will be holding in-person and remote sessions this school year! Remote sessions are typically 90 minute sessions (10-11:30 a.m.) and begin and end with synchronous time where students and instructors will explore a fundamental STEM concept together, with time for the experiment, building, or challenge in the middle. Participants will be responsible for obtaining materials – (the materials list will be linked to each course prior to registration opening; material kits for some virtual sessions are available for purchase.)
In. Research, Inquiry Skills and Experimentation (RISE), students learn how to conduct independent research and report their findings. In this school-year-long, asynchronous course students conduct an in-depth study of a science topic of their choice. This course includes a significant writing component — successful students will be independent and self-motivated learners.
STEM BITES are IMSA-created, quick activities introduced by our mascot, Darwin the bearded dragon, and his furry friends. STEM Plans are activities students can do with a parent or other adult. There is no cost to download/access.
Adventures in Medicine & Science is a youth community outreach program that provides health education and prevention information to students throughout the school year. With a combination of hands-on opportunities and auditorium presentations, students get a unique look at the human body. In addition, they offer summer workshops for middle and high school ages.
Daysprings Academy offers enrichment classes on Fridays for families. Classes are in the performing arts, arts, science, and music. There is a sibling discount.
Health Works Children of all abilities can interact with the exhibits in our all inclusive indoor playground. Take a sneak peek at the fun you’ll have at HealthWorks! Open on Program Days. Available for birthdays and rentals by reservation. Group admissions are $5 per person ages 3 and up. Great staff. Very welcoming!
LitShop provides FREE after school and summer programming for girls ages 10-15. Girls work on exploring literature while creating. This is done through book clubs, wood working, magazine creation, and much more. By intentionally creating a supportive space where girls can take risks, explore creatively, build skills, and connect with peers, LitShop fosters leadership and confidence our builders can use through adolescence and early adulthood.
Guided Gallery + Classroom Programs last two hours: one hour in the gallery or galleries and one hour in the classroom. All K–12 programs are FREE of charge.
Monthly History Exploration Days occur one Friday and Saturday a month, discover historical people and perspectives. Investigate history in FREE workshops, and have creative fun in craft room.
Teens Make Historyis a FREE museum studies workshop. Teens receive a $150 stipend for participating. TMH Apprenticeships are paid part-time jobs for teens.
Pre-K (ages 2-6) and early childhood programs last 90 minutes and include: storybooks, simple craft projects, and exploring a gallery. Programs are available year-round on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
History Clubhouse is a FREE gallery especially designed for children to learn about St. Louis history. Children dress up in costumes, put on a puppet show, fish over the edge of a canoe, pull a steamboat whistle, and more!
St. Louis ArtWorks invites young creatives (14 - 19 years old) in the St. Louis area to apply and earn a stipend through paid apprenticeships in the arts year-round. Youth interested in working for St. Louis ArtWorks must: Be at least 14 years old, Complete an online application, Be selected for and attend an in-person interview.Currently includes programs in painting, textiles, robotic arts, performance, and documentaries.
St. Louis BWorks has FREE educational programs rooted in teamwork and responsibility. Earn-a-bike is a 6-week hands-on course for students ages 8-17 who can ride a bike on their own. Students learn bike maintenance and safety. Upon course completion, students earn a refurbished bike, lock, and helmet. Earn-a-computer is a 6-week course for students ages 8-17. Students work on learning various pieces of open source software and one day of hardware. Upon course completion, students earn a refurbished computer. Learn-to-ride is an 8-week course for students who cannot ride a bike. The course covers the same materials as Earn-a-Bike, but in addition – they learn to ride. Learn-to-ride is offered to students on the Program Mailing List. You must sign up for the list for your child to take this course.
St. Louis Chess Club offers programs, online training, individual tutoring, scouts programs, camps, and more.
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) scholarship is for motivated high school students who want to experience a culture and learn a language through a full immersion experience. Learn about German culture first-hand by living with a host family and attending a German high school. Embark on an adventure that is unlike any other. The CBYX program additionally offers vocational and young professional scholarship opportunities.
FLEX Abroad program provides merit-based scholarships for eligible high school students to attend a local school in Georgia, Kazakhstan, or Poland for an academic year. FLEX Abroad participants serve as young ambassadors of the United States, promoting mutual understanding and forming lasting relationships with their host families and local communities. A network of support through partner international exchange organizations, field staff, trained volunteers, and carefully selected host families helps ensure a successful exchange experience. If you have a passion for learning about other cultures, this program may be for you!
Approximately 15 American students will participate in FLEX Abroad in 2022-2023. Upon their return to the United States, the students will be able to apply their leadership skills and share knowledge about their host countries through community engagement.
Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program U.S.-citizen high school students and recent graduates (age 15-18.5) live and study for an academic year in select countries with significant Muslim populations through competitive, merit-based scholarships from the U.S. Department of State’s Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program.
National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) is part of a U.S. government initiative to foster international cooperation by ensuring that Americans have the linguistic skills and cultural knowledge necessary to effectively communicate. NSLI-Y provides overseas critical language study opportunities to American youth through merit-based scholarships to spark a lifetime interest in critical foreign languages and cultures. Home-schooled students are eligible. There is a different transcript form (included within the online application) for home-schooled students to complete and submit. The recommendation form must be completed by an adult who is not related to the student, but who knows the student well and can attest to their readiness to be an exchange student.
Youth Ambassadors Program brings together high school students and adult mentors from across the Western Hemisphere to promote mutual understanding, increase leadership skills, and prepare youth to make a difference in their communities.
Through in-person or virtual exchange programs, Youth Ambassadors participants will engage in experiential learning activities; leadership trainings; civic participation at the community level; mentoring by community, business, and NGO leaders; engaging with local host families, and volunteering. Exchange subthemes include social inclusion, entrepreneurship, innovation and environmental protection. The Youth Ambassadors Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State.
Coming Soon
Classes from local colleges for homeschoolers
1020 Artworks Studio in Belleville has homeschool classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
SkyZone in Fairview Heights has a homeschool jump in Fridays.